


Adobe Photoshop


September - November 2019


I often see my face as asymmetrical and feel anxious. Some young women even do plastic surgery to “fix” themselves. I created two composite faces: one made from two left halves of the face and one made from two right halves, which are different. I took pictures of ten young women aged from 16 years old to 24 years old who come from different countries.


The asymmetry of the face causes self-doubt and a lack of confidence.


1. Celebrate the asymmetry of human faces
2. Help girls who aren’t satisfied with their faces rebuild confidence
3. Spread positive messages and something fun to everyone

a zine products gif final zine products final zine products final zine products final zine products final zine products final zine products final zine products

Printmaking Poster



inspiration process


references pictures from internet


This book shows that every human’s face is asymmetrical.

research data


I discovered different types of zine folding techniques to find out the most direct, unique, and fun one to communicate my idea. People can open the pages in a flexible and experimental way.

different folding techniques


According to my research, the two halves of the face express different emotions and are controlled by the opposite halves of the hemisphere. I used warm and cool contrast to evoke the differences and express the opposite feelings. In addition, pure hues show positivity and brightness.



I really enjoyed working on this personal project. I went from feeling hesitant to feeling proud. I was brave to share my imperfectness and encourage other people to share. Although the impact I made in this project was small, it showed people another perspective of beauty. I was thinking about how can I develop this concept further and make a bigger impact. I believe this project hasn't ended yet. An app idea based on the faces zine is under developed.

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